Saturday 22 June 2019

The Secret Behind Crafting The Perfect Marketing Message

 Marketing Agency In Delhi

If you were asked to summarize what marketing is in a single sentence what would it be? Well, if you ask us our answer would be: “Marketing is the process of making people fall in love with brands.”

However, even though we are living in a consumer driven world today, there are still very few number of brands that have the ability to connect with customers on a deeper level. Although, marketers today have realized and appreciated the value of tapping into human emotion, they rarely succeed in doing so in a real way even though consumers have time and again proven that price happens to be a mere triviality for the products and services they love.

So now the question becomes: How do you make people fall in love with your brand?
It all begins with crafting a message- a marketing message that matters and has the ability to deeply resonate with the buyer’s persona. Simply put, a marketing message is the backbone of all your marketing strategies. Marketing message isn’t just about what you say to your audience but it is also about how you say it to them to elicit an emotional or logical response that reaches them on a deeper and personal level. Marketing message has the power to influence your customers and enhance the efficacy of your marketing. This is why it needs to be crafted with a lot of precision and care.

However, as complex as this may seem, the process of crafting the message begins by answering these four simple questions,

The Who ?  The What ? The How? The Why?
The Who:

The first step of creating a marketing strategy is by identifying who you are speaking to. The most common mistake businesses usually make is when they try to please everyone. As a marketer you need to have a specific focus on a specific buyer persona. Instead of desperately trying to win over people who aren't right for your product/service, it is better to focus intently on your ideal customers. In other words, when you're trying to make someone fall in love with your brand, you need to treat them like they are your “one and only”.

The What?

Knowing who you are targeting for your marketing strategy is only a slight part of the whole equation. You also need to fully understand what problems your target audiences are facing. Every customer has their own share of problems. The secret to crafting a good marketing message that will make your customers listen to you is by identify their problem and the pain and suffering they feel as a result of that problem.
The How?

Now that you’ve determined the problem your target audience is facing it is time to be their knight in shining armor and present them the solution to their problems in the form of your products/ services. It is vital for you to prove to them that you truly understand and empathize with them and show them that you genuinely care about their problem and that you want to help them. One major point that needs to be taken into consideration is that, often times too many brands get carried away about who they are and they really do. The key here is to move your focus away from that and shift it to what is really important to your target audience.
The Why?

The most important element needed while creating an effective marketing strategy always lies hidden in differentiation. You need to give ample reasons for your customers on why they should choose you over everybody else. You need to list down all the factors that makes you stand out among your competitors. Your prospects will always be looking for you to communicate your differences. And those differences need to possess a perceived value to your prospects in the form of something they deeply care about.
Once these four questions are answered you need to make sure your message carries a blend of emotions and logic in equal proportions so that your customers are slowly able to start connecting with your brand on a much deeper and personal level.

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