Monday 22 January 2018

5 Things To Keep In Mind When Renaming An Established Brand

 Brand Rename

As the brands evolve, it’s becomes more of a necessity to redefine themselves or rebrand in order to clarify their new value proposition in the market. But the consideration of renaming an established, successful brand comes at a cost and with the rebranding process comes many questions.

#1 — Team involvement is critical to success.
The process of renaming is not for the weak heart and it can either unite or divide an organization’s executive team. Moving forward as one unified team is required and the process of making strategic decisions ensures a greater probability of success and growth.
#2 — Build from strategizing and research.
When a new brand name is thought of and publicly introduced, an accompanying story that can be associated with the brand name is required to bring the name to life. This story must be built upon a solid foundation and stand for the organization’s unique strengths which ideally are targeted at the core target audience.
#3 — Trust the re-naming process.
Brand naming involves emotions and everyone involved must follow a rational process to think and brainstorm. The best names are not created nor decided upon overnight. They are the result of a defined and strategic process that builds upon itself. Key brand name criteria should ideally include (1) the name depends upon the strategy, (2) the name is easy to be pronounced/spell, and most importantly, (3) the name should be legally available offline and online as well. If the brand name is ticking off all the things mentioned on the list, then it is time to take the name to a legal and final review.
#4 — Develop a corporate identity considering the existing brand equity, but informing the new brand’s promise at the same time.
The right solution depends on the amount of positive brand equity that currently resides within the brand and also how much of a strategic departure from the past is desired. The purpose of corporate naming and identity is to only bring this brand to life so that when the identity is seen, it represents all the positive associations of the brand and people start recalling it all over again.
#5 — Develop and plan a clear strategic internal launch plan.
You may need help from a brand management agency to introduce a new brand name and brand promise to the internal team first and then to all the customers, media and the industry. But first, it’s critical for any brand to plan a systematic and organized approach to properly inform and educate your internal team on why there is a new name, why this new name, how it will be brought to life, and what the name can accomplish.
Lastly, the plan of introducing the Brand to the media and industry should be implemented. Media can be very competitive at the same time, so a strategic communication plan for the pre and post launch must be evaluated to determine the most effective partners to broadcast the news. And lastly, use this exciting event to make new brand promises to all your potential customers. People are drawn to what is new — make it relevant to them and that will invite them in.

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